Abstract submissions have closed for the AMSA 2025 Conference is “Harmony in Marine Systems.

The Conference Scientific Committee will select submitted abstracts that complement focused concurrent sessions to form a balanced program that we hope will excite and engage all those attending the conference.


The Conference Scientific Committee aims to create a Conference program with a mix of the following presentation types:

  • Full Length Oral Presentation

  • Short Oral Presentation

  • Poster Presentation

All abstracts submitted before the deadline will undergo review. There will be a restriction of one oral presentation per participant, but a poster presentation can be given in addition to an oral presentation.


  • Aquatic animal tracking: where do they go and what do they do? 

  • Advances to support marine spatial planning in Australia

  • Marine mapping, applications and tools to support decisions

  • Marine science in a time of rapid environmental change

  • Understanding and achieving ocean literacy in Australia

  • Indigenous partnerships for better understanding and adapting to dynamic marine environments and sea county

  • Marine science for responsible climate actions

  • From Knowledge to Action: Understanding and Enabling Behaviour Change in Marine Conservation

  • General session - Marine Geology and Geomorphology

  • General session - Marine Chemistry and Water Quality

  • General session - Physical Oceanography

  • General session - Marine Biology

  • General session - Technological Advances in Marine Science

  • Community partnerships driving reciprocal outcomes in marine science

  • Microbiomes in marine systems

  • Plastic pollution in coastal and marine environments

  • Monitoring and Managing Marine Chemical Pollutants

  • Sea-level rise and coastal change through time and space

  • Future seagrass: exploring socio-cultural and ecological dimensions of seagrass systems

  • In harmony with giants of the sea – a future for marine megafauna protection  

  • Advancing marine observations through integrated autonomous systems

  • Marine pests and pathogens

  • People and healthy reef futures

  • Reaching consensus in marine restoration

  • Interdisciplinary approaches to temperate reef restoration

  • Accounting for benefits of restoration

  • Estuarine Ecosystem Processes - Observations and Modelling

Please note that abstracts #114889 and #115701, and #115313 and #115599 are merged.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentation abstracts are limited to a maximum of 200 words and can be submitted for any of the Symposia listed here or under the general sessions category. Oral presentations are a maximum of 10 minutes (full length) or 5 minutes (short) in duration. Each presenter is limited to a single full length oral presentation abstract but can submit an additional abstract for a short presentation or a poster.

Accepted abstracts will be included on the Conference Website and displayed on the Conference App prior to, during and following the Conference.

Poster Display

Presenters wishing to submit a poster presentation must submit an abstract of up to 200 words. If accepted, the poster must not exceed the size of A0 (1m wide x 1.2m high) and be brought along to the Conference for display. Poster presenters are required to attend the poster session.

Please note: we cannot guarantee all submission preferences (i.e. oral presentations) will be met. While we strive to fulfil as many preferences as posisble, limited speaking opportunities are available. Some requests for talks may need to be allocated poster presentations. We thank you for your understanding.


  • To assist the Scientific Committee in deciding if your abstract is selected for the final conference program, please adhere to the following guidelines:

    The submitting presenter must ensure that all co-presenters have read and approved the title, summary, presenter names and affiliations.

    The abstract content must be no more than 200 words in length.


    Do NOT capitalize all letters in the title of the abstract. Capitalise the first letter of all major words in the title as well as prepositions, articles and conjunctions of four letters or more.


    Please list the complete first name, middle initials (optional), last name and institutional affiliation, as it should be listed in the conference publication if selected for presentation.


    John Smith and Rebecca Best

    1 Flinders University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park, SA, 5042

    2 Deakin University, Princes Highway, Warrnambool, Vic, 3280


    Maximum 200 words.

  • Ensure you use one of the following browsers: INTERNET EXPLORER (v11 or newer) MOZILLA FIREFOX (v44 or newer) SAFARI (v5 or newer)

    Mac Users: if you have trouble submitting your abstract, try submitting from a PC. If you are still have issues, please contact the secretariat.

    Mozilla Users: the security policy in Mozilla often prevents pasting from your clipboard without using the menu commands. You can still cut and paste your abstract into the submission, but you may have to use the menu command rather than ‘control v’ shortcut.

    Have your abstract open on your own computer to enable you to cut and paste it into the submission system.

  • 1 - Select the presentation type and preferred symposium.

    2 - Enter the title of your abstract. Please type the title in sentence case (that is lowercase with only the first letter or the first word in capitals) and without any punctuation. A correctly formatted example follows: Title of my presentation for the conference

    3 - Enter the name of all authors and their organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the relevant box.

    4 - Type or cut and paste the text of your abstract/synopsis into the relevant field.

    5 - Preview your abstract, make any changes required and finalise your submission and return to your dashboard

    6 - You will receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been successfully submitted. Please check your email junk file in case it has been captured there.

    7 - Should you wish to make any changes to your abstract after you have submitted it, please log onto your online registration dashboard. Click on the “View Submission” then “Preview/edit abstract”.

    ****Please note you will only be able to make changes to your abstract until the submission deadline, after which any changes should be sent to Adelle Xue**

  • Want to make sure your abstract is accepted? The Scientific Committee will be looking for submissions that:

    • are relevant to the theme of the conference

    • are relevant to current issues/challenges

    • have fresh/new scientific content, and data for specific topics

    • are relevant to an audience

    • are engaging for an audience and

    • have a clear take-home benefit for delegates

    Based on these criteria and the number of submissions to the Conference, oral abstracts may be moved to other symposia, be accepted as a poster or be rejected at the Conference Scientific Committee's discretion.


  • A condition of acceptance is that at least one author or nominated presenter registers for the conference. Presenters are responsible for their own accommodation and registration expenses.

  • Abstracts will be published in the AMSA 2025 conference program and App. Photos, audio and/or video recordings made throughout the event may be made available to the registered delegates of the meeting. If you do not agree with the above, but wish to submit an abstract, please notify the conference managers at: adelle.x@asnevents.net.au

  • There is no template or structure posters need to adhere to other than being portrait orientation and no larger than 1m wide x 1.2m high. Posters presenters will be supplied velcro to adhere their poster to their relevant poster panel onsite at the Conference. Poster are only able to be presented as a physical poster displayed in-person onsite at the Conference.

  • Once the reviewing has been completed the conference organisers will notify abstract presenters of their acceptance. Specific presentation instructions will be included in the notification.